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Friday, May 22, 2015

I extend a warm invite to all my friends around the world to join this new social networking site.

I just became part of this brand new and exciting social networking site because of everything they offer the members.

We see so many people from around this beautiful world posting BILLIONS of things daily on their network but never getting a penny for it. And, most of you know that I love working from home and I really enjoy making money. That is one of the main reasons I joined "it" iGrow network is going to be that company to take us to our dreams just from a social networking website.

Getting people to join is simple because most everyone wants to make money these days without spending a dime. That can happen here. The serious networkers however, will join at the level that yields the most results the fastest.

Here below are a couple of images that I find to be a cool marketing tool and below that will be a link to one of the free pages we get as a member.

Once you join, be sure to add me as a friend :) Join here

And here is one of a few choices splash page you can use to send to invite people to join your new network:

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Free domains vs. paid

Hey guys. Ok so today would have been my been my 10th year or so with a company that I used and actually enjoyed using since they provided free domains (as other companies just rip us off with the prices) over the years.

I am not going to promote them nor ever used them again because yesterday, they made all my domains under the status of fraud when I in fact followed all the rules and regulations associated with free domains at

So, if you have any domains thru them, transfer and buy a domain thru Godaddy or something because then you will not have to worry about your legit domain going to a "fraud" status with a company like

They were in fact a great company at one time, but now, I will never used them again.